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At this time, all zero-knowledge transaction and Jumblr functionality on the main KMD chain is disabled.

Other Smart Chains in the Komodo ecosystem offer zero-knowledge transaction functionality. However, no Smart Chain currently offers Jumblr, and therefore this documentation is currently deprecated.

Please check with the developers of your desired Smart Chain to learn more.

The following RPC calls interact with the komodod software, and are made available through the komodo-cli software.

  • Install Komodo following the installation guides and change into the komodod subdirectory using:
cd ~/komodo/src
  • Start the daemon:
./komodod &
  • Designate a KMD address with at least 10.024 KMD funds:
./komodo-cli jumblr_deposit KMD_address

The jumblr process continues until there are less than ~ 10.024 KMD in the deposit address.

  • Designate a destination address for your funds. This should be a transparent address that you are keeping secret:
komodo-cli jumblr_secret destination_KMD_address
  • Leave your node running until the balance in your first address reaches below 10.024 KMD and the destination address receives the correct amount.

Jumblr is created to be resistant against time-based analysis. Because of this, Jumblr is purposefully designed not to be fast. You will need to leave your node running for several hours for the process to finish.

Designate your deposit address.

./komodo-cli jumblr_deposit RT4mSUjG35QeuGcedsfpHtP5MhDeEGTAqb

Designate your secret destination address.

./komodo-cli jumblr_secret RS46GZ5iTkt2exdauQG3JJ8fdnZNJUvAc1

jumblr_deposit "depositaddress"

The jubmlr_deposit method indicates the address from which Jumblr should withdraw funds. There should be at least 10.024 KMD in this address. Jumblr will withdraw funds in increments of 10, 100, or 7770 KMD.

While shielded z_address technology is available on all KMD-based Smart Chains, the Jumblr engine and methods are only available on the KMD mainnet.

"depositaddress"(string, required)the address from which Jumblr will withdraw funds



./komodo-cli jumblr_deposit RT4mSUjG35QeuGcedsfpHtP5MhDeEGTAqb


The jumblr_pause method instructs Jumblr to temporarily pause the privacy-shielding process.

See also jumblr_resume.




./komodo-cli jumblr_pause


The jumblr_resume method instructs Jumblr to resume the privacy-shielding process.

See also jumblr_pause.




./komodo-cli jumblr_resume

jumblr_secret "secretaddress"

The jumblr_secret method indicates to Jumblr the final t destination address. This should be a separate t address that has no connection to the wallet.dat file of your jumblr_deposit address. Ideally, you should only access the final jumblr_secret address via a separate node, and with other layers of privacy (VPN, Tor, etc.).

"secretaddress"(string, required)the destination transparent address



./komodo-cli jumbr_secret "RCpMUZwxc3pWsgip5aj3Sy1cKkh86P3Tns"